
Coming soon MINI003 7inch by Apparel Wax

Apparel Wax's 7inches vinyl series continues with a release focused on new, exciting sounds. APLMINI003 is composed, as usual, of two tracks, one per side. Side A kicks off with a nu-disco track, in which the solos of a wild sax and a loopy guitar riff takes the listener by the hand until the very last second. Side B, however, shows the more experimental part of APLWAX's soul, with a beat that seems nostalgic of the 90s/00s UK sounds, a broken beat and a decidedly more pressing rhythm, which recalls D&B influences, British-style Electronica. The possibility of combining tracks with different styles on the same record represents a sonic challenge, but APLWAX has always been accustomed to combining different musical currents, keeping the fresh and happy soul of its brand clear. Everything is represented by the new, elegant graphic design of APLWAXMINI, in which even the smallest details and small changes fill the record's release with anticipation. APLWAXMINI003 is coming.

'Oh dang. I needed this energy!'

The Blessed Madonna

'So much fun!!'

Groove Armada

'Dope track, love it!'

Art Of Tones

'...The possibility of combining tracks with different styles on the same record represents a sonic challenge, but APLWAX has always been accustomed to combining different musical currents, keeping the fresh and happy soul of its brand clear. Everything is represented by the new, elegant graphic design of APLWAXMINI, in which even the smallest details and small changes fill the record’s release with anticipation.'

Knights Of The Turntable

'サックスを大きくフィーチャーした高揚感たっぷりのムーディ・サンセット・ハウス!! Bサイドではまさかのドラムン展開まで。 ロンドンのKISKが仕掛ける覆面サンプリング・プロジェクトAPPAREL WAX、新たな展開の7インチ専科から待望の第三弾リリース!!'


parallax background

The record buyers will find included in the vinyl packaging a poster inlay in 7inch sleeve size + sticker (10x14cm)

parallax background

The record buyers will find included in the vinyl packaging a poster inlay in 7inch sleeve size + sticker (10x14cm)