"Without an artist name attached, the material shines through without any preconceived notions and the music simply speaks for itself. Pure dancefloor magic."

Mixmag, WW


"Amusingly, Apparel Music is marketing mystery producer Apparel Wax as "the vinyl-faced artist who tears dancefloors apart"

Juno Records, Uk


After 7 years in the game, Apparel Music strikes again in style with a brand new concept. The main ingredient of this recipe called "Apparel Wax" is quality music, without any compromise or distinction. Apparel Wax is the aka of an unknown/unanimated artist, brought to life by many talented international ghost producers who, from now on, will be pulling Apparel Music's strings.


APLWAX002 is once more a concentrate of groovy beats, catchy melodies and vibrant harmonies that come together to create a solid 4 tracks release with an only one soul: the soul of the music we love to dance to. Indeed, the whole EP doesn’t sound like an assembled work, on the contrary is more a complete entity that moves together in an organic way since the very first track till the last one, creating an impactful musical story.


Relentless Apparel Wax never misses a beat and is back at it with APLWAX003, the 3rd chapter of the saga. The release is made up of 3 tracks, 3 distinct parts of the same engine, 3 proper dance floor bangers. The 2nd tune will have you right away when you’ll hear those tribal rhythmics and hypnotic vocals that drive it till the end while the 3rd is the typical one you’d call a “peak time track”; that tune you drop when the ballroom has warmed up enough and is ready to finally step up!


Here we are for the 4th round of Apparel Wax and a crazy one indeed for all the lovers of the vinyl masked man, a release that expresses 4 different nuances of House. Mixmag, Delicieuse Musique and Sloth Boogie premieres APLWAX004 in the end of July. Top seller in Decks Records, Juno Records and Traxsource!


Apparel Wax is about to hit your fall hard with the 5th gem of the collection! Four tracks delivering our approach to this sound but always from different perspectives, which helps us to maintain that fresh energy we need to be able to keep on doing what we do. Top seller in Deejay.de, Juno Records and Traxsource!


5th of July (digitally the 5th of August), that’s the release date of Apparel Wax’s 6th work on the catalogue. The masked hero comes back after the LP with a 3 tracks EP landing in the summertime and it’s yet again worth the wait, as it brings back hints of that nu-disco house music we learnt to love but together with a new touch.


Apparel Wax comes back after a long summer with another EP, the 7th of its catalogue and yet again another display of four different musical approaches brought together as one. The EP is, indeed, a 4 tracks one and starts off with a groovy execution of a classic house track, an archetypical and simple house tune with a defined personality and the perfect start, from square one.


The eighth chapter of the Apparel Wax saga brings with it, as always, a multitude of sounds and suggestions. The masked producer always manages to renew himself, bringing something new and special to each record but always remaining faithful to his musical line. Another small masterpiece of production and music selection by Apparel Wax.


Apparel Wax is back with the 9th gem of its catalogue, a stunning six track EP out worldwide on the 28th of June 2021. The vinyl faced hero always wants to grow, therefore is on a constant quest for the evolution of its music and this record proves it once again being it a superb array of assorted sounds. A perfect EP to start the warmest season with the hope of being able to enjoy the outdoors without restrictions.


Four years and ten releases later we can say that Apparel Wax -the vinyl-faced hero- has been able to always renew itself and its sound because, as our manifesto says, we try not to submit to any genre. We wanted every release to be the outcome of a long research through uncommon sounds and APLWAX010, yet again, is an unidentified sonic object picked up by our radar. The last one though!


We are proud to announce the arrival of Apparel Wax LP001, our first LP which opens a new catalogue dedicated to albums. The amazing artists who are taking part in the collective knew since day 1 that they had to put on a mask if they wanted to partake in this adventure; knowing how important is to “appear” nowadays we wanted to prove that we could make great music without the help of the big names. So far so good.


ロンドンを拠点に活動するイタリア出身のDJ Kiskによるプロジェクト Apparel Waxの初となるCDリリースが日本限定独自企画盤としてリリース! これまでリリースして来たヴァイナルは軒並みソールドアウトし、クスッとなるおまけも、アイディア豊富なその音楽センスとリンクし毎度話題に。日本向けのミックス用に選曲したベスト盤的な今作。近年盛り上がりを見せるロンドンのディスコハウスブームのエッヂーな空気感と、ダフト・パンクやディスクロージャーのファンにも届くポップな作風を再編集したキラーチューンのオンパレードに頭の中フロアの上夜空の下みんな大草原。さぁ、皆さん今年の夏はジャジーでブギーな最高の夏にしような。 日本限定企画盤/初回プレス分のみ特典タトゥーシール付属




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